Sunday, January 19, 2020

Remote Electronic Voting: A Simple, Safe, and Accurate Voting System Es

Remote Electronic Voting: A Simple, Safe, and Accurate Voting System Does it not seem obvious that the United States should be voting over the Internet by now? Considering all the vitally important monetary and information-related transactions that occur over the Internet every day, one would think this could and would have happened already. However, Remote Electronic Voting, especially on a national scale, presents us with some possibly troubling implications and problems. These implications and problems, especially those concerning security, have prevented the U.S. from employing such Internet voting in a national election so far. Is such a system in our future? Many experts believe so. But as of yet, the risks seem to outweigh the rewards. Before going any farther, it is important to clarify the difference between Internet voting and Remote Electronic Voting. Internet voting already occurs in many places. It refers merely to voting from a computer that is under the control of election officials, usually in a specific precinct’s polling place. On the other hand, Remote Electronic Voting is the new prospect of voting over the Internet from a remote, unsupervised location (Alvarez 4, Rubin). This new prospect has sure advantages but many likely drawbacks as well. The greatest advantage that Remote Electronic Voting could provide would be ease of voting. The weather, waiting in line, and being confused about where one’s polling place is would no longer be issues. Also, Remote Electronic Voting would practically eliminate the need for absentee ballots, which often are not counted. In fact, in the 2000 and 1996 presidential elections, it is estimated that about 40% of oversea... ...r the fairness of the system. It is probably just as crucial that issues concerning the â€Å"Digital Divide† and coercion be resolved as issues concerning security. The last thing the U.S. should want is a simple, safe, accurate, and grossly unfair voting system. WORKS CITED Alvarez, R. Michael, and Thad E. Hall. Point, Click, and Vote: The Future of Internet Voting. Washington, D.C., Brookings Institution Press, 2004. Hardy, Michael. â€Å"Pentagon Nixes Internet Voting, Questions About Security Linger.† 23 February, 2004. Federal Computer Online Magazine. Rubin, Aviel D. â€Å"Security Considerations for Remote Electronic Voting over the Internet.† Florham Park, NJ, A&T Labs – Research, with Internet Policy Institute e-voting workshop. Online.

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